We’re still in the dark about most details on Space Marine 3, but what we do know is that Saber has confirmed the game will feature both a campaign and a multiplayer mode. If you’ve played through to the end of Space Marine 2, you’d agree it was perfectly set up for a follow-up. Titus, our leading hero, managed to stand victorious against his foes, Chaos and the Tyranids, and then embarked on an undisclosed mission alongside Marneus Calgar, the commander of the Ultramarines. Titus even found the time for a daring suicide mission against Chaos cultists, as highlighted in an installment of Amazon’s Secret Level anthology.
Reflecting on the first two games, they both kicked off with an alien menace—Orks and Tyranids, respectively—before unveiling a Chaos Space Marine antagonist like The Chosen of Nemeroth or the Thousand Sons, leading to an epic showdown. While it’s too soon to pinpoint exactly who the adversaries might be in Space Marine 3, the conclusion of Space Marine 2 dropped some hints that could be intriguing. The introduction of some fascinating Necron technology suggests we might just see this ancient race make a dramatic entrance in the next installment.