Living as Jon Lindemann is an experience uniquely tied to being Jon Lindemann.
This time around, we embarked on our quest to compile the Top Five Games of 2024.
For those not accustomed to the rituals of RFN, let me explain: the process is quite flexible, with virtually no set rules. The basics include selecting any 2024 game available on Nintendo platforms. Yet, these guidelines are quite elastic. Ideally, it’s best to have played the game this year, although there have been instances where games were included despite not being played in 2024. But those are rare exceptions.
Given this incredibly loose framework, trying to agree on a unified Top Five would be futile. Therefore, the list is entirely subjective.
Naturally, there are some commonalities. Interestingly, two lists feature the same game at the top. Predicting this game would be nearly impossible, though. I’m confident in saying so. Sure, someone might claim they saw it coming, but I doubt their honesty.
Feel free to share your digital fictions with us.
This episode benefited from the editing expertise of Guillaume Veillette. The unique “Men of Leisure” theme was crafted solely for Radio Free Nintendo by Perry Burkum. You can explore more of Perry’s work on SoundCloud. Our Radio Free Nintendo logo is the creative work of Connor Strickland; check out his projects on his website.
This episode’s closing tune is “Chasing After Dad” from Another Code Recollection, a request by A.G. All rights are owned by Nintendo Co., Ltd.