Fortnite enthusiasts have voiced their desire for Epic Games to implement a cooldown feature on the Kneecapper’s charged attacks, which currently allow for continuous, unbroken strikes. With Chapter 6 Season 2 focusing heavily on heists, not all players are thrilled with the updates to the beloved battle royale game. The loot found in vaults seems to leave some players unimpressed, sparking a call for more engaging content soon.
This season sees the return of some divisive weapons like Midas’ Drum Gun and Brutus’ Minigun. To obtain these, players must venture into the backrooms of Black Markets using Outlaw Keycards. These keycards are upgraded through quests tied to them, which involve breaking into vaults, gathering medallions, and spending gold. The quests, while varied in their requirements, allow players to repeat them until all challenges are completed, granting access to any Black Market backroom upon completion.
In a recent discussion on Reddit, a user named Willie_Willikers aired grievances about the Kneecapper, prompting Epic Games to consider adding a pause between charged strikes. Many players echoed this sentiment, sharing experiences where opponents easily spammed charged attacks in tight spaces to secure victories. This tactic, they argue, lacks an effective countermeasure, making it overly powerful.
The conversation continued with players throwing out their own ideas for balancing the Kneecapper, such as reducing the movement speed of players wielding a charged strike. Currently, players can charge an attack and maintain full speed while pursuing opponents, giving them an edge that’s tough to evade. One user recounted being struck by a Kneecapper and knocked airborne, only to be hit again before landing or having a chance to defend.
Rumors have recently surfaced about the introduction of more exotic weapons to Fortnite, accessible through the Black Market. Among these weapons, the Rift Launcher—a fan favorite teased in the Chapter 6 Season 2 trailer—may finally make its debut. The Rift Launcher would enable players to create rifts at will, aiding in mobility or strategically removing adversaries. With promising new content on the horizon and an ever-growing selection of loot to discover, the future of Fortnite appears bright to many players.