Oh dear. It seems the black hole known as Meridia has finally consumed Angel’s Venture, a fate that was anticipated for quite some time now. We’ve been bracing for this outcome as the celestial storm hurtled towards the planet, and as expected, Angel’s Venture went out with a big bang. In response, the team at Arrowhead Studios has announced a period of mourning for the fallen citizens.
The signs were all there, with evacuation orders already in place as that ominous purple void zeroed in on its target, finally erasing Angel’s Venture from existence in a rather dramatic fashion. This latest cosmic catastrophe has prompted Arrowhead to inform the galaxy about the event in an official tweet, complete with a news broadcast for those who couldn’t witness the spectacle firsthand.
In their announcement, Arrowhead didn’t hold back, stating, “Angel’s Venture has been torn apart by the Meridian Singularity,” and went on to condemn the Illuminate by saying, “Finally the Illuminate, hiding behind their mask of intelligence and sophistication, have revealed what they truly want: carnage.” The President of Super Earth has decreed a 24-hour period of mourning galaxy-wide, marking this as a day of reflection and sorrow.
On social platforms, reactions were swift. A Reddit user, going by the name ‘DickBallsley’, had previously assured players that they would not let such a disaster occur, humorously attempting to alleviate the tension in discussions. However, following the event, they took to Reddit with an apology, saying, “I’m sorry everyone, I might have overdone it… Going all out was not the best idea. Next time I’ll read what it says on the packet, this one’s on me.” This goes to show that even heroes sometimes misjudge the situation.
Naturally, the community responded with light-hearted memes, including the classic Obi-Wan Kenobi ‘You were the chosen one’ GIF, bringing a bit of levity to the somber mood.
But while the galaxy mourns, the struggle is far from over. The dreaded Meridian Singularity has now targeted Super Earth, with several more planets potentially in its path. Our next mission might involve devising strategies to thwart further Illuminate assaults and slow down this cosmic threat. Let’s cross our fingers that our efforts are more successful this time around.