Hey fellow gamers! Let’s dive into some achievements that you can conquer in the latest adventure. Ready to tackle these? Here we go!
First up, your keen observation skills will be rewarded when you grab those binoculars to spot a massive gold-crown monster. Keep your eyes peeled, and you’ll snag 15 gamerscore points for your efforts!
As you continue your journey, you’ll encounter several secret achievements. The details are a mystery until you unlock them—each one nets you between 15 and 30 points, so keep at it.
Now, onto the action! Successfully mounting a monster for the first time earns you 5 points. It’s a thrilling experience that’s sure to leave you craving more. And don’t forget about the joy of completing your first side mission, which comes with a sweet 15 points.
In the world of hunting, crowns are prized. Bagging a silver crown for your Hunting Log brings in another 15 points, marking your burgeoning reputation.
If you can land 50 attacks on weak spots, you’ll claim 15 points in Focus Mode. There’s an art to precision, and mastering it is truly rewarding.
Feeling crafty? Customize a Pop-up Camp and secure 15 points, or grill up a BBQ meal for the first time to collect an additional 5 points. Both activities are sure to enhance your experience—and your score.
The multiplayer mode offers a way to team up and complete quests, each granting you 15 points. And if you cast your line into water, the first catch as an angler will hook you 5 points.
A true hunter never rests! Completing your inaugural Field Survey, investigation, or side mission brings you even closer to becoming a legendary hunter, with points rolling in for each achievement.
Cook the perfect steak? That’s not just a culinary feat—it’s a 5-point win. The thrill of a successful Sneak Attack also earns you 15 points.
For the anglers among you, reeling in a giant squid or a total of 30 whoppers marks your fishing prowess, each with a 15-point reward.
From establishing multiple Pop-up Camps to forging high-quality armor and weapons, each one shows your growth and comes with well-earned points. Reaching Hunter Rank 100 is just the beginning.
Customize your partner, the Seikret, or change its decorations for another 5 points. It’s those little touches that make the journey personal.
As you gain wealth, accruing 1,000,000 zenny adds 15 points to your coffers. And speaking of treasures, gathering rare items and hunting various monsters showcases your versatility, granting even more points.
For the crown collectors, both giant and miniature, there’s a whole lot of bling waiting. Capturing or hunting an impressive number of monsters steadily fills your log and your score column.
Lastly, build your in-game community by connecting with other hunters through profiles and forges new bonds—each interaction could be rewarding.
For those who persevere through quests via multiplayer and uncover hunter profiles, the bonds you forge and the stories you tell are all part of this epic adventure.
Get out there, have fun, and may your gamer scores soar!