Xbox enthusiasts are in for a treat as a couple of classic strategy gems are gearing up to make their way to new gaming platforms. In an exciting development, Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition and Age of Mythology: Retold are poised to launch on the PlayStation 5 come March 2025.
These renowned titles owe their reimagined versions to the efforts of World’s Edge, a team under the Xbox Game Studios umbrella. This team is devoted to rekindling older beloved games and crafting new experiences within this iconic franchise alongside other developers.
## Xbox Expands Its Horizons to New Platforms
In a broader move that sees Xbox games branching out, these two timeless strategy games are just the latest to cross over to the PlayStation domain. You might find it interesting to know that hot on the heels of this announcement, Xbox also revealed that Playground Games’ Forza Horizon 5 would be hitting PlayStation 5 consoles sometime in the spring of 2025.
This wave of platform expansion is a testament to Xbox’s strategic growth, delivering beloved games to a wider audience while keeping fans on their toes with fresh updates. Stay tuned for more details as they unfold!
In the meantime, if you’re a staunch Windows and Xbox fan, make sure to keep up with all the latest insights, tips, and guides. Exciting times are ahead!